10 Adorable Puppy Pictures That Will Make You Smile

There's nothing like a cute puppy to turn your bad day into a good one. In honor of National Puppy Day, these photos of adorable puppies are just the pick-me-up you need.

1. This little Doxie girl is as cute as a button!



2. The Vet said this German Shepherd pup caught a case of being absolutely precious! 



3. Being so good-looking is exhausting...


4. Charlie is the puppy version of the heart eyes emoji! 



5. The snuggle is real!



6. Just getting some beauty rest...



7. How can something this cute even be real?



8. Who could ever say no to those puppy dog eyes?



9. A handful of sweetness!



10. Stick your tongue out if you’re adorable!


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written by

Samantha Thompson

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